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Contact us

The Exchange Club Family Resource Center

Contact Us:

Exchange Club Family Resource Center
202 East Third Avenue, 3rd Floor
P.O. Box 168
Rome, GA 30162-0168
(Located in the Serve Rome building)

Phone: 706-290-0764
Fax: 706-290-9617
Emergency/After Hour: 706-252-1177

Make a referral

Call our office at 706-290-0764

Or click below and fill out the referral form ↓

Step 2: Attach referral form below and click submit ↓

    If you suspect child abuse or neglect, please make a report by calling:


    This number is answered 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week. 

    If you witness a child in immediate danger, call 911

    Want to get directly involved with FRC?

    We need volunteers to help with events, help us with marketing and get the word out about our program. Fill out this form and let us know you’d like to be part of the team!